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How to book?

Simply by e.mail. Let me know when and how, and I will book the tour for you, if I am available, as soon as I get a positive answer from you.

How long in advance should we book?

The sooner, the better. But you can always try and book last minute. I might be available!

How to get to Mont-Saint-Michel?

The parking lots are 2km far away from the island. Except for exceptional tides, you will be able to get there using free shuttles or walking on the bridge. You should make sure to arrive there about 45 minutes before. We will settle together a meeting place that suits you best.

I would like to see the tide rise...

You have to know the tides schedule on the day you mean to visit Mont-Saint-Michel. The phenomenon is particularly obvious when the tidal coefficient is above 90. You should be on the spot about 2h beforehand. I would advise going to the "Tour du Nord", on the ramparts.


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